Meet Bosis – Open doors day
- Find out what is Bosis business and how it operates
- How a modern company organized in accordance to world standards looks like
- How the packaging for your favorite brands is being made
- Explore the different jobs in graphic industry
- Explore different positions in Bosis
- What Bosis offers to its employees
- How to prepare for future career
- Hear the stories of our professionals
- Meet wit your colleagues from university who are our employees and find out about their experience
You are:
Primary school student
High school student
University student
Be part of the Explore program
We usually organize Open doors day with educational institutions and teachers/professors, but you can also apply individually and we will then offer you some of the dates we have reserved for this. We will timely inform all educational institutions about the available dates so that you can apply for this program at your teachers/professors.
Apply individually!
Join some of the groups during the appointment we will inform you about.
Apply with your teacher professor
Ask your teacher/professor for information about this program since we organize it with educational institutions in the city.
You would like to cooperate with us and that your students participate in the Explore-Open Day program.
For more info about this program, please contact us at: